
Cambridge International Certificate/ Diploma in Teaching and Learning

This course provides the candidates a robust platform for them to

  • transform the quality of teaching to improve the students’ outcomes.
  • engage critically with relevant concepts, principles, theories and best practices from around the world.
  • apply new ideas and approaches in reflective practice in their own teaching and learning context.
  • formatively evaluate experiences to plan further development.

Candidates need to be:

  • Be a full- or part-time teacher employed in an educational institution such as a school, college, university, or adult training centre.
  • Teach in their current school over a full academic year, for a minimum of 24 weeks and a minimum of six hours per week.
  • Be responsible for planning, teaching and formatively assessing groups of learners.

Candidates are required to have sufficient competence in English to participate in the qualification. Candidates should have English language competence comparable to Level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Alternatively, candidates can directly speak to the program Leader to ensure that they qualify the entry requirements or not. You can call at 8800542932.

Certificate Course (this includes only Module 1)

Module 1- Exploring learning and teaching

  • Unit 1 – Understanding principles of learning and teaching
  • Unit 2 – Teaching an effective lesson
  • Unit 3- Facilitating active learning through effective teaching and assessment

Diploma Course (this includes Module 1, 2 & 3)

Module 2 – Teaching and learning in action

Module 3 – Developing professional practice

Edu Lead International will provide the candidates guidance and support throughout the course. It will provide mentors to each candidate and arrange for guided learning sessions. The e-portfolios and assessment evidence will be reviewed by the ELI experts and then will be sent to Cambridge.


To view the detailed syllabus, please download the brochure below.

Certificate Course –  4 Months

Diploma Course –  12 Months

For Academic session 2024-25

Module 1 – Certificate Course

  • Batch 1 – September 14, 2024
  • Batch 2 – November 09, 2024
  • Batch 3 – March 23, 2025

Module 2 – Diploma Course

Batch 1 – June 25, 2024 (Candidates who have done Module 1 from other centres can also Join).


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Cambridge International Certificate/ Diploma in Teaching and Learning

Let us know about your questions/interest in joining this course by filling out this form!